03 July 2007

Sydney trip

Hey peeps,

My sister Sarah as you know gave birth on the 22nd of June to a healthy baby girl. The due date was however a little later but she couldnt wait to get out into the world I guess.

I made evil plans for a surprise visit and made it down to see them in Sydney last weekend. It was a complete surprise for them, and Dad n Kristy also made it up to meet me =) Sarah and Josh were really shocked to see me as we just were waiting for them at their house when they got home from shopping - the secret was really well kept =)

It was great, and here're some pics of the weekend:



Grubb said...

Hey Uncle Wok,

Love that second photo of you looking lovingly into that baby's eyes... You're a family-man-in-a-can, just add water!

Congrats to your family buddy.

Anonymous said...

mwahahhaahhaaaa wasn't it fun :P

lol @ just add water

Anonymous said...

RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY WHy didn` ya ring me up when you got to Sydney mate??? was looking forward to seeing you before you took off to China...
