23 June 2007

Big Day Out - Beijing

Hey Peeps,

Today I did my first touristy-sightseeing and went to the Forbidden City, Tian An Men, Panzi Houtong and the Emperor St Market. It was awesome. As soon as I got to the Forbidden City I met these two dudes from Shanghai. They are both doctors, one an intern and one older with more experience.

They both spoke English and basically became my tour guides for Tian An Men, the houtong and the market area. It was really nice as I'd never have ventured as far as I did without them. The old dude knew heaps about Beijing but the younger one was visiting for his first time so he didnt know much. The only place I really did myself was the market st but due to the events of the previous weekend I was completely uninhibited and just had a blast bargaining etc.

I think the shopkeepers really enjoyed bargaining with me:
  • they invariably sent young women
  • everytime they said "youre so smart/cute/etc" when trying to butter me up I just laughed at them and told them that I get that a lot, they need to say much more =)
  • I really hammered them for price and wouldnt back down - but with a smile enjoying the game
I will have to go back to the forbidden city though as I only saw about 10% lol. But I really need a full day for it on its own. It's a pretty wicked place. I also got the info for the great wall tour I want to do in the coming weeks and that should be good.

Anyway, I hope people are having fun back home. I always like to see emails from you all so get typing =) Catch yas later!

Pics @ http://www.flickr.com/photos/8696598@N07/

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