30 April 2007

Negotiations Finalised

Well, I accepted the Client Delivery Manager position with SinoCode today and am set to have my first day in the office in Beijing on the 4th of June 2007. It's all very exciting now and there's heaps to do - such as:
  • have a medical for my visa
  • let the real estate agent know when I'm leaving my flat
  • organise mail re-direction
  • organise power of attorney
  • get rid of car & phone
  • organise tax return for 2006/2007
  • pack!
  • buy new clothes, more luggage etc

It's kind of a scary yet exciting, as it's my first step into the world outside the very cumfy existance that I enjoy here. The people here; friends workmates and family all included, made it a tough choice to leave but I guess the internet and blogs/emails/VoIP et cetera have made the decision a lot easier. There's so much in the world to see and experience and it's high-time that I jump in and check it out :-)

P.S. I can't wait to try the food :-)

18 April 2007

Ruby on Rails

I'm just starting to get into web development using the Ruby scripting language and the Rails framework, and I think it's awesome. If you are interested in a nice and developer-friendly framework and language, RoR would appear to be a good choice. If you're familiar with PHP already you'll probably become comfortable very quickly as some of the features that made PHP great exist in a RoR app too - such as embedding dynamic generation of static code inside script processing. And you aren't limited to HTML - for instance you can embed AJAX too. I think for anyone interested in web dev it'll blow you away :-)

Oh - and it's all free, platform independent and open source - w00t. Check it out!

17 April 2007

Herro World!

Yay - this is my first post in my new Blog. I thought it was about time that I started this given my impending departure from the world as I know it. I intend to update regularly when I've left I'll be able to share my experiences with everyone :-)

So, that's enough text for now. More later.